Trip Design & Management Services
Costs for trip design and vacation management vary depending on type of travel, destination, trip length, complexity and the services that are needed. Rates start at $199+ and up. The below service tiers detail some of the differentiating factors and features.
T rip Planning Services
T rip Management Services
Prior to Departure
During Y our T ravels
Post-T rip
T rip Consultation
Itinerary Proposal (8+ Days )
Handling of T ravel Reservations
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Hotel complimentary Amenity Request *
VIP amenities and Services Request*
Special T ravel Preferences Requests
Special Event T icket Purchase
(Sporting, Theate r , Concerts)
Advance Entrance Reservations
(Museums, V isitor Attractions, etc.)
Dining and Spa Reservations
Assistance with T rip Changes Prior to T ravel*
Pre-Departure T rip Briefing
(In-Person Seattle Only)
Electronic T ravel Documents
Printed T ravel Documents (Optional)
24/7 Emergency Assistance for
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Itiner a r y and Di r ect Messaging
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Destination Information*
V acation Follow Up
T ravel Insurance: Assistance with Claims*
Ser vices Boo k ed
T rip Planning Services
T rip Management Services
Prior to Departure
During Y our T ravels
Post-T rip
T rip Consultation
Itinerary Proposal (Up to 7 Days)
Handling of T ravel Reservations
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Hotel complimentary Amenity Request *
VIP amenities and Services Request*
Special T ravel Preferences Requests
Advance Entrance Reservations
(Museums, V isitor Attractions, etc.)
Dining and Spa Reservations
Assistance with T rip Changes Prior to T ravel*
Pre-Departure T rip Briefing
Electronic T ravel Documents
24/7 Emergency Assistance for
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Itiner a r y and Di r ect Messaging
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Destination Information*
V acation Follow Up
T ravel Insurance: Assistance with Claims*
Ser vices Boo k ed
T rip Planning Services
T rip Management Services
Prior to Departure
During Y our T ravels
Post-T rip
T rip Consultation
Itinerary Proposal (Up to 7 Days)
Handling of T ravel Reservations
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Hotel complimentary Amenity Request *
Special T ravel Preferences Requests
Assistance with T rip Changes Prior to T ravel*
Pre-Departure T rip Briefing
Electronic T ravel Documents
24/7 Emergency Assistance for
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Itiner a r y and Di r ect Messaging
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Destination Information*
V acation Follow Up
Ser vices Boo k ed
Trip Planning Services
Trip Management Services
Prior to Departure
During Y our T ravels
Post-T rip
T rip Consultation
Itinerary Proposal (Up to 7 Days)
Handling of T ravel Reservations
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Hotel complimentary Amenity Request *
Assistance with T rip Changes Prior to T ravel*
Electronic T ravel Documents
24/7 Emergency Assistance for
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Itiner a r y and Di r ect Messaging
Hill Barrett T ravel App
Destination Information*
V acation Follow Up
Ser vices Boo k ed
Service fee rates are one-time flat fees, with optional upgrades, and are non-refundable.
Exact fees vary on trip complexity, length, destination and other factors.
Hotel Amenity Requests, VIP requests, and travel preference requests may not be guaranteed and are subject to change according to hotel availability upon check-in.
Some concierge services, such as a restaurant or spa reservation, can be added to Bronze or Silver packages on an a la carte pricing model.
Any changes may be subject to change fees.